Call us for a great phone psychic reading and speak with one of our trusted psychics. 

If you find yourself experiencing a lot of hit-or-miss readings, you may find yourself blaming your phone psychic. Contrary to popular belief, you’re a huge part of getting a successful reading. Yes, the reading revolves around you, but the experience is dependent upon you as well.

Use common sense and your intuition to choose a phone psychic or medium who can help you with what you want.

Once you decide why you want to see a psychic, make sure you choose a person that can help you. Many different psychics are great at different things.

Here are some of the most common phone psychic readers:

Psychic Mediums

They connect with people who have died and gone to the other side giving specific information on love and healing about those in spirit.

Medical Intuitive

Specialize in mental issues, they cannot replace doctors but they enhance healing

Future-tellers & Prophecy

Psychics that specialize in predicting the future and can provide information such as time, places, and give information about what is happening in your life right now. 

Psychic Detectives

Use their abilities to solve a crime, locate people and objects.

Animal Communicators

They communicate with animals and are helpful with pet issues

Intuitive counsellors/ coaches

They see probable future events and give specific information about what is happening in your current life and how to use your intuition to create what you desire.

If you’re considering someone and you feel a disconnect or even get some bad vibes, do not work with them. When choosing a psychic the titles and tools they use are not so important as the kind of services they offer or give and your gut reaction when reading or hearing the description of the services.

Are you booked with a psychic or a medium?

You should be able to differentiate between the two because a psychic is not a medium and a medium is also a psychic. It is important to note that a psychic will blend with your energy because you are alive and the medium will blend with the energy of a deceased person. Before booking you should be sure if you want a reading with the psychic or a medium.

Be clear about why you are seeing a psychic

  • What do you want to know?
  • Why is it of importance to you?
  • What do you want to experience in life?
  • What help do you need to do that?

The moment you are clear about what you want, your spirit will attract the right psychics and mediums that can help you.

Figure out what you want from the reading.

Before calling us, think thoroughly about what you want to gain from your reading.

Do you have questions about your relationships; career or maybe you need reassurance that a loved one who passed is okay? Write down exactly what you want your reader to focus on so that you can get the most experience. Our readers are the best at what they do; they are very friendly, caring and ready to help. So tell them what you need them to find out for you.

Let the psychic guide the session

You are paying a professional psychic for their time; let them do their job as they lead their discussion where it needs to go. A great psychic should lead the conversation and ask you to confirm the impressions they receive. You are likely to frustrate a psychic with emotional overload. You have to be careful as you can give a fraudulent psychic too much information that can be manipulated to their advantage. If in doubt, ask our psychic to elaborate more on a point.

Be open during a reading.

Keep in mind that when you call our readers, the reading is all about you. By being present and taking an active role in the experience, you’ll find the strength of your connection will rise. So get prepared, find your center, and enjoy your next reading. Most people fear opening up because they fear they might be dealing with a fraud, this creates an energetic barrier that can make it difficult for a psychic to give a great reading. To be open to a reading;

Breathe -When some people are stressed they tend to hold their breath. If you’re having a reading for the first time it may be very stressful.

Be present, the more present you are the more you will receive an intuitive hit as your psychic gives information.

In case you have specific questions, ask this will give psychic anchor points to pull detailed information for you.

Minimize ‘prove it’ questions. These kinds of questions can affect your reader.

Be respectful and give your full attention to the reading and be mindful of how you speak and your body language.

Listen to credible details.

An authentic psychic will be able to give you some small information for affirmation purposes to prove they are connecting with you. Be open to what is being communicated.

Terminate any session that doesn’t feel right

If you find a psychic that predicts your death, gives you lottery numbers or foretells a tragedy and asks you to return repeatedly he/she is not reputable, a reputable psychic will not keep increasing their fee with each visit. Terminate immediately with anyone who does not feel authentic.

Develop your intuition

People who receive the best reading are highly intuitive themselves. Getting a basic knowledge about intuition can help you discern how to make good decisions and manifest well enough what you desire. This can make you become your own psychic.

Have some questions ready

Zooming in on correct questions to ask a psychic set the tone before the session begins and will work clear with the spiritual channels between your psychic and the universe. Writing questions can help you remember exactly what you want.

Questions to ask your psychic

Be sure to prepare open-ended questions, rather than yes or no questions. It makes for a more interpretative and sound reading between you and your psychic. Asking yes or no questions leave no room for you to understand your past, present, and future, and how they all relate to one another. It’s also difficult for psychics to state with perfect ease, or accuracy “yes” or “no” in regards to a question that you might be posing.

By keeping your questions open-ended, you can more easily acknowledge that you have the power to change your life, and it is not all set in stone waiting to happen to you all at once. Focus on the journey, rather than the end goal, and let your questions help guide you through any concerns you may have relating to your life or others’.

Here are the kind of questions you should ask your psychic:

Love and Relationships

  • What information would the world want me to know about my love life?
  • What are the things I can do to get true love?
  • What can the universe tell me about my current relationship?
  • I need to heal my relationship, what can the divine tell me about this?
  • I would like to know how to achieve my highest good and what help the spirits have for me.


  • Start by telling your psychic about the work you do and how you feel in your job.
  • What would the universe want me to know about my career progression and finances?
  • I need guidance to heal my job situation, what can the divine tell me about this?
  • What are some of the things I can do to get a meaningful job?
  • What can divine sources tell me about my current job, co-workers, and work environment and how I can get promoted?
  • If you want to pursue a different career path, how can you open yourself to a different kind of opportunity
  • Ask about lifestyle, does it go hand in hand with what you do?
  • What about job satisfaction?

Past Life

  • When talking with your psychic in a past life reading, consider experiences that are recurring for you in your life. Constant struggles, as well as talents of yours, could be connected to your past life.
  • Relationships with friends and lovers can also be tied to past lives. If you feel intensely drawn to someone, there could be a history there making it difficult to disconnect with them even if now the relationship is toxic.
  • Ask your psychic not just about your past, but how you can honor the present by doing what is good for you in your current/present manifestation despite what has occurred in your history.

These readings can bring up intense feelings because often there are traumas in our past which we are still healing from.


  • Am I using money in the best way possible?
  • Could I improve the way I manage my money?
  • Is there something that I should change concerning how I make my money or what is it I do with it?
  • How can I best create a successful life for myself?



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